Ok folks, it’s been a while since I have participated, mainly because of all the flooding we had in Nashville. But today I am dry, fully caffeinated on coffee and ready to play! Meet Parker, the son of Christina over at 3 Sweet P’s. Here are the concerns Mom had with this picture:
"This is a photo of my 2 year-old Parker. I am bothered by the harsh shadow on his face and the washed out colors of the photo. His eyes are a beautiful blue and you just can't see that. I would love to see what you guys can come up with!"
OK, here is the photo SOOC (straight out of camera).
I imported the photo into Lightroom and did the following:
*Adjusted white balance.
* Adjusted exposure.
*Pumped up the following sliders: blacks, clarity, and vibrancy.
* Used the adjustment brush to bring out the blues in his eyes.
Then I sent the photo to Photoshop CS5 for some further editing.
In photoshop I used the healing tool to take care of Parker’s blemishes and the dark areas under his eyes. I then ran the following:
* Jessica Sprague tutorial on eye pop.
* Nichole V Skin Smooth
* Nichole V Essential Color Pop Outdoors
I then proceeded to use an overlay from Patti Brown’s Overlays called “A Touch Of Sunlight”.
Then it was just time to play with some scrapbooking letters!
All in all, I enjoyed this activity a lot more than pumping muddy water from my basement! Once again, Thank You to all the I ♥ Faces contributors who sent thoughts, prayers and well wishes during our flooding woes here in Nashville!
♥ you guys!!!!!
Make sure you head over to I ♥ Faces and check out the other edits in this weeks Fix It Friday!
And I almost forgot this one! A friend of mine in Nashville got creative this last week and created a couple of Lightroom Presets. The on I’ve used above is called “photo umph”. I applied the preset after I had done my photoshop editing. My thoughts on presets and actions is this, “It’s a jumping off point for me to start from”. So after I applied the preset, I decreased the saturation and exposure just a little. Honestly, I ♥ it! If you get a chance, head over to Wendy C Photography and check out some of her work. She’s a really a great friend and a phenomenal wedding photographer!
Enjoy life, snap some shots, and have fun…
That’s what I’m gonna do!
That’s what I’m gonna do!
1 words of love !:
I'm so glad I found your site! Or that you participated this week:) Your photos are amazing!!And all the edits look great! I Love the one with scrapbook letters!! Thanks for working on my photo this week!
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