Thanks for taking a picture of me Jana! You are amazing!



Well, it's me of course! Hi, I'm Scott, just an ordinary guy who loves life and all the little nuances that it brings! Simply put, I'm a father to a wonderful son, a husband to a beautiful wife, and an amateur photographer who enjoys looking at the world through a piece of glass! I took up photography a couple of years ago, after having gastric bypass surgery. Since 12/07, I have lost 180 pounds, but found a real passion for documenting life with my camera. I could say that the big names out there have inspired me, and they have, But my true inspiration comes from the people I meet everyday who share the same thoughts and zeal I have for photography. We are truly blessed with some really great photographers around Nashville. So, what are you waiting for.... ...grab a camera, snap some pics, and enjoy life to the fullest!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday


It seems I’ve been teasing you with a photo here and there a lot lately.  Well, that’s about all I got.  Work is really kicking my tail, and it’s hard to take away what little free time I have from my family, just so I can play with my camera.  Yes, I’m whining this morning, having my own little pity party right here in Nashville!

But all in all, it’s OK, cause I have a great wife who allows me to devote  time to my passion.  A son who understands that Papa works hard, and needs a little me time with his camera.  Then I have some really cool friends who encourage me and support me.  What more could a man ask for? 

I tell you what more…more photos like this one!  Just another tease from a shoot I did for a family member a couple of weeks ago.  This is Lexi, a 6 month old cousin from Minnesota who made a trip through Tennessee, just so I could take some photos.

So, that’s it, my “Sweet Shot Tuesday” entry this week.  Make sure you head over to My Life with 3 Boybarians and check out the other entries this week.  Darcy has a wonderful weekly theme going called Sweet Shot Tuesday where you can enter  a photo  a week.  I ♥ it!

Lexi and family-120-Edit-Edit-Edit 

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7 words of love !:

Jon & Jennifer said...

Adorable photo! Stopping over from SST!

Sam said...

What a sweet shot!

Charmaine Poulin said...


Susan said...

Just beautiful!

julie said...

Lovely sweet shot!

patty said...

i don't think there is anything sweeter in this world than a sleeping baby,and you captured her perfectly!

Unknown said...

So soft and sweet. Great capture!