A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of participating in the local “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” walk in Nashville. What an experience!!! There were over 15,000 walkers, all dressed in glorious shades of pink. The group I walked with was from the Regional Intervention Program of Nashville. We were known as “BFF ~ Breast Friends Forever”, pretty catchy if you ask me.
Anyway, as I was walking, and journaling the event with my camera (over 600 photos), I could not help but think of the women in my life who are breast cancer survivors. My mom is a survivor, my next door neighbor is a survivor, and this wonderful woman below is a survivor.
This woman below is a co-worker of mine, not only is she a survivor, but she is also an inspiration. We have followed, supported and prayed with Gloria over this past year as she has gone through surgery, chemo and now radiation therapy.
When I looked at this photo for the first time, I wondered what she was thinking. I mean, here she was, amidst 15,000 people, but she was all alone with only her thoughts. There is no way I can imagine what is going through her mind, but I will say this…
Gloria is my Sweet Shot Tuesday for this week. A sweet shot, of one sweet and amazing woman!
Make sure you head over to Life with 3 Boybarians and check out the other sweet shots this week, and check out all the other entries!
Oh yeah, make sure you check out who won last weeks contest! Whoo Hoo!!!
Yours truly after the walk!
See, real men can wear pink also!