Thanks for taking a picture of me Jana! You are amazing!



Well, it's me of course! Hi, I'm Scott, just an ordinary guy who loves life and all the little nuances that it brings! Simply put, I'm a father to a wonderful son, a husband to a beautiful wife, and an amateur photographer who enjoys looking at the world through a piece of glass! I took up photography a couple of years ago, after having gastric bypass surgery. Since 12/07, I have lost 180 pounds, but found a real passion for documenting life with my camera. I could say that the big names out there have inspired me, and they have, But my true inspiration comes from the people I meet everyday who share the same thoughts and zeal I have for photography. We are truly blessed with some really great photographers around Nashville. So, what are you waiting for.... ...grab a camera, snap some pics, and enjoy life to the fullest!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Follow The Light

That’s just what I do.  I’m following the light. 

Whether it’s early in the morning while chasing a sunrise, or late at night when I’m watching that golden orb dip into the horizon…

I’m following the light!



To all my friends and family here’s my Christmas wish for you:

Christmas Card 2010

May the light of Christ be a beacon.

Not only during this Christmas season,

But for the whole year long!

Merry Christmas !


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Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Can’t See The Forest Because Of That Tree!

Sweet Shot Day

You know the old saying…

“You can’t see the forest for the trees”. 

Well, the other day, I had trouble seeing anything beyond this one tree.  Every time I tried to focus on something else, I ended back at this one tree.  There was just something about the solitude of this tree just standing out there all by it’s lonesome. 

But the beauty of it all, I didn’t need to see anything else.  For me, this was gorgeous! 


Saunders Ferry Sunrise-035-Edit-EditTREE TRYP

Make sure you head on over to Sweet Shot Tuesday and check out the rest of the entries. 

While ogling over the other beautiful entries, make sure you show some blog love and leave a comment or two. 

Until next time. . .

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Just Another Tequila Sunrise

OK, maybe not a tequila sunrise, but most definitely a coffee sunrise!

It’s been quite a while since I took off in search of the perfect sunrise.  This week kind of demanded that I take some time for myself.  It seems that forces beyond my control were at work, and I was helpless.  So, to remedy the ugliness of the week, I decided I needed a sunrise. 

For me, a sunrise is a time of reflection, a time for warmth, and a time to start over.  That’s what I did yesterday.  I reflected on the ugliness and how it affected me, and how I was ugly to those around me.  I was warmed by the sunlight and reminded of the warmth and love that my God provides.  Last but not least, I declared the day a new start.  A start over, with the intentions to do the right thing!

For your viewing pleasure, just a few shots from my epiphany of the day!

Saunders Ferry Sunrise-020-Edit-EditSaunders Ferry Sunrise-021-Edit-Edit

ISO 100
355 second exposure
ISO 100
207 second exposure


I think the 2 photos above are the longest exposures I‘ve ever done.

Look at that glassy smoothed water!!!

The filter I’m using is a B+W 110 ( 10 stop filter).  The thing is so dark, you need to meter for light and focus before you put the thing on!  At that point you need to figure out how long of an exposure you need.  At first I created a spread sheet that gave me the appropriate time needed according to what light was metered.  Kind of time consuming, but it worked. 

Then I found this great app on ITunes for my IPod Touch.  It’s an ND Timer that tells me exposure time based on available light,  and also sounds an alarm when the time is complete.  Cool!


Saunders Ferry Sunrise-047-Edit-2

Well, that’s it for today. 

Until next time…

sig line may

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I Heart Faces Self Portrait

Nothing fancy, just me!  I guess that’s what a self-portrait is all about.  Well, this one is from the recent Breast Cancer Awareness Walk that I participated in.  Just me, may camera and my pink beard.  And yes, it did wash out…eventually :~)

Make sure you head over to I ♥ Faces and check out the other entries this week. 
It will be interesting to finally see some of the photographers that I follow each week. 

Blue Stripes 2

 Well, that’s it for this today, until next time…

sig line may

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blue Hour

A while back I won a contest over at Sweet Shot Tuesday.  My prize, a two week online course teaching the technical aspects of night time photography.  Now all of my regular readers know I ♥ a good sunrise.  I mean, come on, there is nothing like the warmth of the sun and the beginning of a new day to refresh your spirits.  OK, a good cup of coffee usually does the same thing.  So, when I’m shooting a sunrise, I have my coffee too.  It’s the best of both worlds!

My instructor for this class is Kent Weakley, and you could not ask for a better teacher.  He not only explains things in technical terms, but he has a way that has even helped me understand them.  Shoot guys, the Dummies book series was written with me in mind!  I would highly recommend that you look this guy up. Especially if you want to learn something!  You can follow him at the following links:

Facebook ~ Photography by Kent Weakley

Twitter ~ KW_Daddio

Blog ~ Photography by Kent Weakley Learning Understanding Sharing

Website ~ Photography by Kent Weakley

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There’s definitely some things I would do different next time.  For example, once I find the settings that work, sticking with them.  Also, make sure it is legal for me to be on the bridge!  It seems they were re-sealing the walking part of the bridge, and I was trespassing.  Once the police showed up, they asked me if I knew what the orange barrels, yellow caution tape, and the chain link fence meant? 

They were very cool with it, and even commented that it was an awesome spot to take photos! 

Live and learn, that’s what I say!

Until next time :~)

sig line may

Wednesday, December 1, 2010



Radnor Lake 11-7-10-029-Edit-Edit-1

Radnor Lake ~ Nashville, TN

Sometimes that’s just the way I feel. 

I want to shout from the bottom of my lungs,

“Hey you guys…wait up!”

Not always mind you, but sometimes it seems like there is no one around, and they’ve all flown the coop, and you are all alone.  Today I’m home all alone nursing a runny nose, a sore throat, a fever and an incessant cough.  Normally my wife is here pushing nursing me back to health.  But this week she is in Oklahoma and I miss her dearly.  Luckily for me, she comes home tomorrow…YIPPEE!!!!

So what do I do when I don’t feel good?  I play on the computer editing photos and bloggin, or at least for a little while anyway.  Then I just need to get away from it all and watch TV.  Let’s see, I’ve watched the last 3 episodes of The Good Wife, and the last 4 episodes of The Walking Dead.

Anyway, that’s about it for today.  If you get a chance, head on over to Love That Shot and check out the rest of the entries this week!  Michelle and Misti have a wonderful blog/site that’s full of all kinds of information and resources for the photographer!


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Fix It Friday 12-3-2010



Been a while since I’ve participated in Fix It Friday over at I ♥ Faces.  It was really nice to see the photo loaded up early this week.  Today is Wednesday, and I’m home nursing a runny nose, sore throat, and an incessant cough, and what better way to heal thyself with a good old photo edit!  OK, now you know I’m really weird!



So todays photo comes from Dana Suggs over at Dana Suggs Photography.  Make sure you check out her site and her photography work.  I really enjoy perusing sites like this, it feels my mind with ideas for upcoming photo shoots!  Anyway, the photo above is SOOC (straight out of camera).  No editing has been done to it.



Completed in Lightroom 3:

* Set white balance to auto

*Highlight recovery +16

*Black clipping +17

*Clarity +43

*Vibrance +41

*Sharpening +41



Completed in Lightroom 3:


*Brush adjustments-brighten eyes

*Switched to photo shop at this point



Completed in Photoshop CS5 Extended:

*Nichole Vans Color Pop Action

*Florabella Luxe – Glam Action @ 29% opacity



Completed in Photoshop CS5 Extended: with Alien Skin Bokeh 2 Plugin:

*Created a selection of child using quick selection tool in Photoshop

*Ran Alien Skin Bokeh 2 Plugin using a Nikon 50mm 1.4 lens effect with a half planer.

Final version



Edit #5 completed in Photoshop:

*Florabella Vintage Frames

*Florabella Damask Papers

*Elizabeth Halford tutorial explaining how to work with Florabella frames and paper.

Well that’s it for this week, and guess what?  I do feel better! 

So maybe I need to do a little more blogging and photo editing!  Until next time :~)

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