OK, maybe not a tequila sunrise, but most definitely a coffee sunrise!
It’s been quite a while since I took off in search of the perfect sunrise. This week kind of demanded that I take some time for myself. It seems that forces beyond my control were at work, and I was helpless. So, to remedy the ugliness of the week, I decided I needed a sunrise.
For me, a sunrise is a time of reflection, a time for warmth, and a time to start over. That’s what I did yesterday. I reflected on the ugliness and how it affected me, and how I was ugly to those around me. I was warmed by the sunlight and reminded of the warmth and love that my God provides. Last but not least, I declared the day a new start. A start over, with the intentions to do the right thing!
For your viewing pleasure, just a few shots from my epiphany of the day!
ISO 100 18mm f/11 355 second exposure | ISO 100 18mm f/11 207 second exposure |
I think the 2 photos above are the longest exposures I‘ve ever done.
Look at that glassy smoothed water!!!
The filter I’m using is a B+W 110 ( 10 stop filter). The thing is so dark, you need to meter for light and focus before you put the thing on! At that point you need to figure out how long of an exposure you need. At first I created a spread sheet that gave me the appropriate time needed according to what light was metered. Kind of time consuming, but it worked.
Then I found this great app on ITunes for my IPod Touch. It’s an ND Timer that tells me exposure time based on available light, and also sounds an alarm when the time is complete. Cool!
Well, that’s it for today.
Until next time…