Thanks for taking a picture of me Jana! You are amazing!



Well, it's me of course! Hi, I'm Scott, just an ordinary guy who loves life and all the little nuances that it brings! Simply put, I'm a father to a wonderful son, a husband to a beautiful wife, and an amateur photographer who enjoys looking at the world through a piece of glass! I took up photography a couple of years ago, after having gastric bypass surgery. Since 12/07, I have lost 180 pounds, but found a real passion for documenting life with my camera. I could say that the big names out there have inspired me, and they have, But my true inspiration comes from the people I meet everyday who share the same thoughts and zeal I have for photography. We are truly blessed with some really great photographers around Nashville. So, what are you waiting for.... ...grab a camera, snap some pics, and enjoy life to the fullest!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fix It Friday…On A Sunday!

Well, it’s my favorite time of the week. No, not the end of the weekend, but Fix It Friday from I ♥ Faces! This weeks fix comes from Amy Pinney over at Amy Pinney Photography. When I first saw this photo, I thought it would be pretty hard to fix, but I was wrong. This one was pretty easy to take care of.


This was the original photo from Amy. It is kind of dark, and full of noise. After I imported the photo into Lightroom, I did an auto fix on the exposure, added some fill light, and then went to custom white balance. At this point I cropped the photo to remove the lower left corner that was really dark.

One of my favorite programs to use on any photo is Color Efex Pro 3.0. I love several of the filters that are there, but on this one I used the darken/lighten center filter. It allows you to add light to any portion of the photo that you need. When I felt OK with my results, I went back to Lightroom and used an adjustment brush on the eyes, just to add a little brightness to them.

From here I went to Photoshop CS4 and added a few textures. I feel good about my finished product.

3-12 final

On this edit, I took the finished product and ran it through Topaz Adjust 4. If you are a NAPP member, you can get Topaz Adjust for just $35. Not bad for an editing program like this!

Fix It Friday 3-12

Well, that’s it for today. Make sure you head over to I ♥ Faces, and check out the other Fix It Friday edits.


0 words of love !: