The other day I was working on Facebook. OK, I was playing, do you feel better now? Anyway, while I was playing, I noticed one of my friends was talking how she had committed to getting up early the following morn. I immediately said it sounded as if she had a ”sunrise photo session” in the works. Sure enough, she did! Now, before we go any further, I suggest you head over to Megan's blog and read about last weekend’s excursion, and then you will understand a little more! After a few post back and forth, she invited me to meet her and a few other local photographers to catch the sunrise.
After getting my directions and time to meet, I pulled up “The Photographer's Ephemeris (TPE)”. Now if you’ve never used this little gem, I suggest you do. Especially if you shoot sunrises, sunsets, or just need to know when and where the sun will rise and set! The good thing, it’s a freebie, and I’m all about freebies.
So, I’m ready for my weekly excursion to catch the sunrise. Every time I make that statement, my mind races back to “It’s A Wonderful Life” when Jimmy Stewart ask Donna Read the following question: What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. That’s what I feel like I’m doing, lassoing the sun and saving it for a rainy day. Saving it for those moments when our mind races to those deep, dark places we all have. I’ll just pop open a sunrise and life is good once again! If it was only that simple!
I digress, or maybe I just have adult onset ADHD and I can’t focus. Either way, this is me, and this is all you get! Back to the sunrise. Did you know that the sun comes up early? Well it does. I’m usually up for it anyway, so meeting at 5:00 a.m. is nothing for me, but for others…well I’ll just leave it at that!
Basically, I had a blast. You see, I’m shooting sunrises most every weekend. My thought process is this. My family is still asleep,so I can go out, take photos, and not take any precious time away from the. You see, working 2 jobs has it’s disadvantages. You miss a lot of family time. This way, I can still pursue something that gives me what I call “me time”, and still be there when the family needs me! Geez, it’s like having your cake and eating it too! Did somebody say cake? Dang, there’s that ADHD thing again. OK, enough rambling and on to some more pics!
An important note on how Meagan found this place, or at least I found it important, yet funny in a way. You see, I would have never stumbled onto this area. When asked how she found it, I was told her husband Googled “East facing boat ramps on Percy Priest Lake”. You mean it’s that simple? WOW!
Thanks Meagan, Wendy and Mark for sharing a very special morning with me! I can’t wait to do it again.
Well, that’s it for today. I’m sure I’ll be chasing more sunrises next week. But between now and then, I’ll be Googlin Eastern facing boat ramps! If you’re intersted, check out a devotional I wrote for my Church called “Chasing The Son”.