Thanks for taking a picture of me Jana! You are amazing!



Well, it's me of course! Hi, I'm Scott, just an ordinary guy who loves life and all the little nuances that it brings! Simply put, I'm a father to a wonderful son, a husband to a beautiful wife, and an amateur photographer who enjoys looking at the world through a piece of glass! I took up photography a couple of years ago, after having gastric bypass surgery. Since 12/07, I have lost 180 pounds, but found a real passion for documenting life with my camera. I could say that the big names out there have inspired me, and they have, But my true inspiration comes from the people I meet everyday who share the same thoughts and zeal I have for photography. We are truly blessed with some really great photographers around Nashville. So, what are you waiting for.... ...grab a camera, snap some pics, and enjoy life to the fullest!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Organizing and importing Lightroom Presets

Recently I upgraded to Lightroom 3, and have enjoyed every minute of it.  A problem I had dealt with presets.  When the upgrade took place, my presets were a mess.  Now to be honest, it was not because of the up grade, but more due to the lack of organization in my preset folder.  Every time I imported a new preset, it would place it in “User Presets”.  Not too much of a problem to start with, but when you have over 300 presets in that folder, it gets kind of crazy when searching for the one preset!

So I started searching the web, and to be honest, there’s not much there when dealing with preset organization.  Well, I started playing around a little and I think I have found a way to deal with that preset organization problem.

For purposes of today's tutorial, I have downloaded a set of presets from Sarah Ji.  I really like her stuff, very simple, but elegant!  So, a way we go!

Installing Adobe Lightroom Presets

1. Go into Lightroom and click on Edit at the top (next to File).


2. Go down to Preferences and click on it.


3. There will be a new screen that pulls up. There will be six tabs at the top, click on Presets (second tab).


4. Click on the box titled, Show Lightroom Presets Folder.

show presets folder

5. Double click on Lightroom and then double click on Develop Presets

adobe lightroom develop presets 

6. Create a new folder titled Sarah Ji Presets (or the name of the presets you download).

sarah ji presets

7. Copy the contents of the Sarah Ji Folder, found in your download, into the “Develop Presets” folder.

copy paste

8. You are done! If Lightroom was open when you copied your new presets, you will have to close it and restart it.


9. If you have any questions please feel free to email me and I will be happy to help. My email address is