Thanks for taking a picture of me Jana! You are amazing!



Well, it's me of course! Hi, I'm Scott, just an ordinary guy who loves life and all the little nuances that it brings! Simply put, I'm a father to a wonderful son, a husband to a beautiful wife, and an amateur photographer who enjoys looking at the world through a piece of glass! I took up photography a couple of years ago, after having gastric bypass surgery. Since 12/07, I have lost 180 pounds, but found a real passion for documenting life with my camera. I could say that the big names out there have inspired me, and they have, But my true inspiration comes from the people I meet everyday who share the same thoughts and zeal I have for photography. We are truly blessed with some really great photographers around Nashville. So, what are you waiting for.... ...grab a camera, snap some pics, and enjoy life to the fullest!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday ~ Ain’t She Sweet !

Sweet Shot Day

Not much I can say about this one! 

This last year my nephew brought his girlfriend and 2 daughters to one our summer holiday gathering. What a joy and blessing it was to meet these girls (all 3 of them!)  Anyway, every time I have my camera out they come running.  It’s nice to have “eager” subjects to photograph, especially when there as cute as these!  Shoot, they’ve even nicknamed me “Uncle CooCoo”.  What’s not to about them?


This shot was from the eldest's (she’s 5 I think), first soccer game.  I think I took almost 300 pics that day!

Make sure you head over to Darcy’s blog and check out the rest of “Sweet Shot Tuesdays” entries!

Love ya Tessa!

Uncle CooCoo


p.s.  I think I would look sweet with a Gussy Bag!  OK, if not me, then most definitely my wife!

5 words of love !:

The Household 6 Diva said...

Sweet action shot! I love the lighting in this picture!

Michelle Potter said...

So cute! Are those soccer ball barrettes in her hair?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh so pretty in pink!

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

Very beautiful. Well done, Uncle Coocoo!

Unknown said...

Isn't that the best? Willing models? I just LOVE that! : ) I wish all the children in my life were willing. The boys RUN when they see the camera!
I have been seeing you a lot this week :)

I hope you will join us at for our today contest! We would love a male perspective!